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We publish breaking news related to crypto currencies & blockchain technologies which are great focus of attention in Turkey and share the stories with our audience.

Thousands of visitors are viewing our articles about basics of blockchain technology, analyses on crypto currency trends and news related to the latest technological developments every week.

We can help you to introduce your projects on cripto currency & blockchain and cripto currency exchange news to our audience in Turkey. In this way you can offer your services to our readers.

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Press releases, banner ads for mobile – desktop & more…

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press releases

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  • Your text will be translated into Turkish (max 500 words).
  • We will add a link, directed to your url, with the keywords of your choice.
  • Your translated text and photos will be published in our website & social media profiles.

banner ads

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Leaderboard ads option

Only on homepage and category pages.

Banner sizes:

  • 970 x 250px (desktop)
  • 300 x 250px (mobile)

Content ads option

Only on news posts (after the first paragraph).

Banner sizes:

  • 300 x 250px (desktop)
  • 300 x 250px (mobile)